In a lot of mexican restaurants enchiladas aren't baked in the oven. They're thrown together at the last minute! Why not try that at home for a quicker version? This next recipe is an EXCELLENT healthier and unique version of the classic enchilada. It's packed with nutrients from fresh vegetables and herbs such spinach, zucchini, and cilantro and it's covered with a great made-from-scratch green sauce. Chicken Verde Enchiladas (Quicker Version) (Gluten Free, Dairy Free) Adapted by jalene from a recipe by Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook Serves about 4-6 people Enchilada Filling Ingredients:
Enchilada Sauce Ingredients:
Enchilada Sauce Directions:
How to put it all together: Add 1/2 cup enchilda filling to a warmed tortilla. Tightly roll (or in half like a taco) and pour sauce over enchilada. (Optional for dairy eaters: Sprinkle cheese on top.)
11/5/2012 05:35:37 am
I struggle to think of gluten free meals my whole family can eat. Since we aren't all forced to eat gluten free I find it hard to please everyone. I made these enchiladas and even shared them with my sister-in-law and her children and they loved them. we have had this meal on several occasions as well. This meal always makes me look good. Especially when I tell them it's gluten free.
2/12/2019 06:24:33 pm
I love, love, love this meal - and my husband loves it too! Thank you!
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