I have a wonderful recipe idea for you via pinterest. Often times we think of gluten free desserts we start thinking copy-cat gluten recipes likes cakes, cookies, or other goodies. When the simple truth is, there's many naturally gluten free desserts we can enjoy! I love this next one so much I'm sharing it with you. All it contains is fruit! And thanks mudandcamo for the great idea! Pssst... I've included a great Patriotic article from my husband below the recipe so be sure to check that out too! He's also offering a FREE class so if you're in the area you should come! Patriotic Gluten Free Fruit Dessert![]() (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free, Corn Free, Soy Free, Nut Free, etc.) Recipe by: http://mudandcamo.tumblr.com Ingredients:
A Patriotic Message from my husband, Dr. Nielsen:"Happy 4th of July!
I spent 2 years as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Costa Rica. I feel very fortunate to have spent 2 years in such a beautiful and exotic place like that. The Costa Ricans love their soccer. I think they love soccer about as much as we love to eat. Although Costa Rica is a very poor 3rd world country, I found it amusing to observe that every household had a rice cooker, a pressure cooker (to cook black beans quickly), and a television. Yes, everybody had a tv to watch soccer of course. If you were walking down a street you could actually hear who was winning the game without even watching the game, because everyone in the neighborhood would have the soccer game tuned in. During my time in Liberia, the Costa Rican National team was scheduled to play the US National team in preparation for the FIFA World Cup. One Sunday morning my companion Elder Brady, from Utah, and I were passing by peoples homes to invite them to go to church. We were walking down a very hot and dusty road when the neighborhood began to ring out the National Anthem. Yes, it was our National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. We had forgotten that that Sunday morning was when USA was playing Costa Rica. We were so overly thrilled to hear this familiar heart stirring song. We immediately stopped in the middle of the road and put our hands over our hearts. Tears of joy welled up inside of me as Elder Brady and I joyfully sang our National Anthem. We were so proud, 2 boys from America far from home, far from anybody checking in on us, far from the luxuries we all have and enjoy, but in the moment - so close and connected to our Mother Country The United States of America. We felt so much respect, gratitude, and honor to be a part of such a wonderful country. Last week my family and I went to support the local Lehi Roundup Rodeo. I had dropped off my family and went to park the car. I parked close enough that I could hear the announcer preparing for the event to start. As I got closer I could hear him say that The Star Spangled Banner was going to be sung next. I started running down the sidewalk to make it into the arena and find my seat. I was short by 100 yards when The National Anthem began to be heard. I immediately stopped, put my hand over my heart, and listened as The Star Spangled Banner was sung. Very few people stopped, most kept hurrying on to make it to their seats. I couldn't help but notice from the corner of my eye the people's body language of wonder and stupor as to why some guy had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and stood there with his hand over his heart during The Star Spangled Banner. Really? I mean who does that these days anyway? I do! And I will because I stand for Freedom! This great America and those who have gone before, deserve my respect, my gratitude, my will to continue to let freedom ring in these The Great United States of America. I am willing to carry the torch as one who wants others to experience freedom too! I have noticed more and more the feeling that we can't change our country, but I am here to say, you can. You start with you. You are the one that starts the change. You fight for freedom in your mind and body. You no longer need to wait for the right timing or permission to go for it. To live for freedom, to Breakthrough, is to be living the dream life and it starts today with you! The greatest battle of freedom is the battle of overcoming our own weak carnal self. I look forward to seeing you at my upcoming FREE seminar on Tuesday July 9th at 7PM. Again, Have a Happy 4th of July - see you soon Doctor Nielsen...remember, Live In Fullness Everyday! LIFE Seminar: July 9th 7pm - 8:30pm 1175 E 3200 N LEHI, UT 84034 Any questions please email [email protected] or call 801-766-6580"
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