Better check those Cheerios...Yikes. Talk about an expensive and dangerous mistake... General Mills just announced that 1.8 million boxes of Gluten Free Cheerios produced at their Lodi, California facility were in fact processed inadvertently with WHEAT flour. The company is truly embarrassed and promises to refund or send replacements for contaminated boxes.
Please immediately check the top of your Cheerios for the any of the following "Better is Used By" codes: GLUTEN FREE HONEY NUT CHEERIOS
Surprisingly, ALL of my boxes had one of these contaminated dates stamped on top! So if you find your boxes have one of these dates too contact General Mills Consumer Services at 1-800-775-8370 as soon as possible. Good luck :/ jalene
Over the past month I've noticed that our daughter Audrey's hair has been falling out more easily. It started with one grip from her little baby sister that first got my attention. Then I noticed it more so in her hair brush, bath, and even hair accessories. Audrey's hair was falling out! But what was causing it?
Luckily, my husband (Dr. Nielsen) who practices holistic medicine was able to test her using a method called applied kinesiology. The answer surprised us. It related back to one gluten free ingredient: rice. Now, I'm not writing this article to convince you to never eat rice again. That's not my point. What my point is for you to be aware. To eat a variety of foods and gluten free flours and to eat foods containing rice more sparingly. Take this opportunity of being Gluten Free to eat more healthy. Incorporate into your diet a great variety of vegetables and fruit. For more information on why rice should be eaten sparingly read this great article: Some Gluten Free Foods Could Contain Arsenic Audrey has been been off rice completely the past 2 weeks and already we have noticed a slight improvement. Probiotics- Why Your Yogurt Isn't Enough"Good Bacteria," "Friendly Bacteria," and my favorite "Friendly Flora" are all names for Probiotics.
If you were to ask me what general supplement you should take to increase your immune system, support your brain health, decrease allergies, increase digestion, help absorb calcium thus preventing osteoporosis, and overall help establish and create holistic wellness, I would recommend...? Surprisingly the health of your brain and your immune system are dependent upon the health of your gut. Did you know that 70-80% of your immune cells are found in the gut and also 70% of neurotransmitters (nervous system signal carriers) are produced by the gut. Putting it quite simply, if you don't have a healthy gut – you won't have a healthy brain and you will eventually end up chronically sick. I have what I call the “fab 5” list of general supplements. These are the products that everyone should be on without any doctor recommendation, they are simply the nutrients that we lack in our diet. The supplement that ranks among the top 5 is an excellent probiotic. Whether they realized it or not, ancient cultures have been feeding their bodies with what we call probiotics today – they were highly fermented foods. They did this both out of preservation of the food as well as taste and flavor enhancements. Little did they know back then, but the fermented food created good bacteria that helped keep their immune system working better and their brains sharper. Asian Cultures, have been eating fermented cabbage, turnips, eggplant, cucumbers, onions, squash, and carrots. They still continue this tradition today. Japan is especially know for their keen focus on gut health and ingesting healthy probiotics. Koreans enjoy kimchi (fermented cabbage) on a daily basis. Northern European nations have been known to and still practice the fermentation of milk into yogurts, kefir, and buttermilk. Ancient Romans and Germans of today eat sauerkraut. Both Ancient and Modern Indian cultures drink a yogurt called lassi. The Ancient Hawaiian and Polynesian Islands both anciently and today ferment the root of the taro plant in a tasty fermented root paste called “Poi.” Unless you have been eating fermented foods every day since you were three years old, you need to be taking a healthy probiotic and it wouldn't hurt to start eating some healthy homemade healthy fermented vegetables either. Commercialized Dairy Products: Yogurt is the number one answer I get when I ask people if they are taking a probiotic. Commercially produced yogurt, the kind you buy from the store, reminds me of a big blob of cows snot. Sorry to be so graphic, but that's about what it boils down to, a big old slug of sugar, and mucus forming milk, that we have been brain-washed into thinking it is so healthy for us, but ultimately causes more distress to our systems than good. In general I don't recommend using any dairy because unless you are from Holland – you don't digest dairy products very well and should avoid them because they do nothing more than rot in your gut and cause inflammation. Have you ever thought about the fact that cows milk is a baby food for baby cows (calves), yet we as humans go around thinking we are babies and still in need of mothers milk (cow). Apparently if you are still hooked on dairy you haven't weaned yourself off the bottle. It's time to go off the bottle. The other problem with commercialized fermented dairy is that through the pasteurization process the enzymes that help break down the milk proteins are destroyed, leaving the dairy product as a dead source of food. Many who love their dairy products will argue the fact that the probiotics are added (more like sprinkled) into the dairy product after the pasteurization has occurred which is true. I say sprinkled because if you look closely you will rarely find the actual number of live bacteria found in the “live cultures.” If it is there it is a very small amount. The method of simply adding a small dose of healthy bacteria to a dead product, is not natural nor scientific and doesn't really make sense. You might ask where do we get this “healthy friendly bacteria” from anyways? During normal vaginal delivery, a baby receives bacteria from mom while going through the birthing canal. The newborn gets dosed with healthy bacteria which starts the colonization of the infant's gastrointestinal (GI) tract of “good or friendly bacteria.” New research also shows that infants born through the caesarean-section method have decreased health after birth – which leads researchers to believe that it is because of the lack of healthy bacteria in the birthing canal from mom. I also like to call healthy or good bacteria as “Friendly Flora.” The friendly flora is destroyed by such things as heavy metals (amalgam fillings), chlorinated water, and overly-processed foods. As I have mentioned in other articles a killer of friendly flora is Triclosan. Triclosan was originally registered with the EPA as a pesticide, but today we use it as an anti-microbial. It is found in 75% of all homes in America. It is the Active Ingredient in some dish detergents, anti-bacterial hand soap, toothpaste, fabric, and causes a myriad of problems besides killing our friendly bacteria like infertility and hormone disruption. Twist the label of your anti-bacterial soap and it might very well say Triclosan. Considering that we are made up of 10 trillion cells is an incomprehensible number, but the amount of microorganisms in our body is ten times that. To truly stay healthy we need our friendly flora to be just that – friendly. We need to help the good bacteria stay on top as our ally in health. The studies for probiotics continue to prove that it is not only great for brain, gut, and the immune system, but it also aids in digestion absorption and assimilation. Good bacteria by-products are produced such as the key vitamin in absorbing calcium, vitamin K2. There is nothing like have trillions of friends that are working for you - your microwarriors. Give your body the soldiers you need to live the healthy life. I started out by recommending taking probiotics. A good probiotic that will bypass your stomach acid and attach to the epithelial cells of the small intestine is what you need to look for. I also recommend anytime you ever go on any antibiotic, you need to be taking specific probiotics to re-inoculate your system with good bacteria. A good place to start is by taking 10 billion CFU's per day. Keep friendly flora happy so you can be both physically and mentally happy. I am Doctor Nielsen...Live In Fullness Everyday! Fun news! Dr. Oz has been promoting Gluten Free lately. He even had the author of Wheat Belly (Dr. William Davis) on the show a couple of weeks ago. If you missed that episode, I've included the links below. It's worth watching and sharing with a friend! Dr. Oz gives a great demonstration of what wheat does to the body and then offers some diet alteration ideas for those just starting out. As you watch, listen for Dr. Davis when he talks about avoiding Gluten Free items made from starches. He's so correct! It's so important when you're replacing wheat in your diet to do it with nutritious grains instead of starches such as tapioca, potato, or cornstarch. So, though we do have a couple of recipes on this site that use those, do use those recipes sparingly! Your belly and your blood sugar will thank you. ;) jalene As Gluten Free becomes more and more "popular" you will see a lot of different products come out onto the market. Just so you know, we DO NOT endorse this next one! This video was made by a friend of my brother-in-law's, Dr. Jared Nielsen. The video is humorous but also shocking! It also teaches a great lesson. Just because something is "Gluten Free," it does not mean it is healthy. Celiacs or people with Gluten Sensitivities already have sensitive stomachs and digestive tracts. Can you imagine what a bread like this would do to their system?!
As a general rule of thumb, stay away from Gluten Free products that try to mimic the taste or texture of regular white bread or other white-flour non-nutritious items. As you study the label you may find a huge list of starches (corn starch, potato starch, tapioca starch, etc.) because these help give it that white-bread copycat taste. Avoid products that contain these ingredients! They are not the healthiest and should be eaten sparingly. Instead, look for Gluten Free alternatives that list healthier flour options: brown rice, sorghum, almond meal, flax seed meal, oat flour, bean flours, etc. These will be better options. Remember, just because it says "Gluten Free," it does not mean it's healthier for you! -Jalene Nielsen By Dr. Brandon L. Nielsen
Why is it that we don't eat genetically modified food? Let's discuss just one of the many reasons of what occurs when we modify any type of living organism. What would happen if you were to modify chromosomes in humans? Or what if a human has extra chromosomes? If a human has more than 46 chromosomes, this leads to physical and mental disabilities. Here is an interesting note, ancient wheat, (the kind of grain that they found in Ötzi the Iceman, Europe’s oldest mummy, dating back to 3,300 B.C.) had ONLY 14 chromosomes. It was very simple and non-genetically modified. The wheat of today has 42 chromosomes! If the addition of chromosomes causes mental and physical disabilities, who will become mentally and physically disabled, the wheat, or the human eating the modern wheat? Something to think about. ![]() Picture compliments of Celiac vs Gluten Sensitivity. What's the difference? Gluten, a protein found in wheat and wheat-like grains, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, and other related grains, has been a hot topic. Many people ask the question why is gluten causing a bigger and wider spread problem then ever before. Many experts believe it is due to the fact that our grain today is highly Genetically Modified for such things as protein. Modified from what was once believed to be the staple of life, many grains have become the staple of widespread inflammation and IBS. For years now I have been diagnosing patients with Gluten Sensitivity. I even had one patient who didn’t believe me he was Gluten Intolerant, or Gluten Sensitive and so he went to his RD (that stands for "Real Doctor") and got a test for Celiac Disease and guess what? He didn’t have Celiac Disease. He obviously didn’t need to go off gluten according to his RD, and the rest of the story is... he didn’t get better. I have also seen many many clinical cases where we have cured MS, failure to thrive syndrome, headaches, and the list goes on and on and on...not necessarily celiac diseased, but yes, having gluten sensitivity. You might be interested to know that a new study has come out in the Journal BMC Medicine showing a ground breaking study on Gluten Sensitivity (Gluten Intolerance) and not celiac disease. The study is proving there is such a problem as gluten sensitivity where individuals being affected by the protein gluten do have a reaction in the intestines and the immune system caused by gluten which is different from celiac disease. "People aren't born with this. Something triggers it and with this dramatic rise in all ages, it must be something pervasive in the environment," says Joseph A. Murray, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. "For the first time, we have scientific evidence that indeed, gluten sensitivity not only exists, but is very different from celiac disease," says lead author Alessio Fasano, medical director of the University of Maryland's Center for Celiac Research. The frustrating problem in the past for many patients was they had the exact symptoms like celiac disease, but when they would go to their doctor and tell them all their symptoms, get tested by drawing blood and getting a biopsy, the test would come back negative. This meant, according to the test, that they didn’t have celiac disease. If they didn’t have celiac disease then they were told it was, “all in their head.” Consequently, the doctor left it at that and the patient went back on the diet that was killing them in the first place. Some of the signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are: allergic reactions such as hives, congestion, runny nose, headaches, nausea, recurring abdominal bloating, joint/ muscle aches pains, swelling, the inability to lose weight or gain weight, various intestinal difficulties, anemia, gas, depression, tingling numbness in the legs, sores inside the mouth, painful skin rash on elbows, knees, and buttocks, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and 100 other symptoms can be linked to gluten intake, which can lead to malnutrition, osteoporosis, among others. Untreated, celiac disease raises risks of contracting certain stomach cancers by more than double. In celiac disease, the immune system starts attacking the body’s own tissue. From continual attack on the body, the tiny finger like projections (villi) which absorb food in the intestine start to become flattened. I compare these villi, finger like projections, like shag carpet. The shag carpet in the gut creates massive amounts of surface area for food to be absorbed. As the antibodies continue to attack the gut, the villi become shortened or worn down, like commercial grade carpet. The fingers are rubbed down to nubs with minimal surface area. If this continues you get holes in your gut. This is called, “Leaky Gut Syndrome.” The food that leaks into the blood stream is now filtered by the overburdened liver which becomes congested and toxic. Taking a closer look at the actual study from the University of Maryland's Center for Celiac Research: Blood samples and intestinal biopsies were taken from 42 individuals with confirmed celiac disease, 26 with a suspected gluten sensitive (gluten intolerance), and 39 healthy individuals as the control group. Unlike the celiac subject, the gluten sensitive individual did not have the (“commercial grade carpet,”) flattened villi like the celiac disease subjects. The gluten sensitive individuals had an immune reaction different from the celiac individual. The immune reaction was that of an innate immunity. A type of immune system that is native to the body, or primitive. The body innately sets up barriers to protect against the foreign body (gluten). The celiac patient’s immunity was that of a more complex adaptive form that recognizes what appears to be foreign (gluten) and builds up the antibodies to fight it. The body literally thinks that gluten is the enemy. It attacks it and starts to attack anything that looks like gluten. In warfare you have heard that many deaths come from “friendly fire.” This is when soldiers of the same side start attacking their own side, their own soldiers, their friends. This also happens in our body. Yes, as explained before our body attacks itself (autoimmune), but it also starts to attack anything else. It gets confused and attacks places like the thyroid and brain and leaves behind the aftermath of warfare which is inflammation. There have been patients who have come into our office who have been diagnosed with “MS,” after going off gluten completely, they no longer have “MS.” The biowarfare was gone and the aftermath (inflammation) was gone as well. We know that inflammation becomes widespread throughout the body with gluten sensitivity, Marios Hadjivassiliou, a neurologist in Sheffield, England, says he found deposits of antibodies to gluten in autopsies and brain scans of some patients with ataxia, a condition of impaired balance. How do you know if you have a problem with gluten. You can always get a simple blood test for celiac disease. If the test comes back positive, you will get a biopsy to confirm the celiac disease. Another non invasive way to check if you are sensitive to gluten is to go off gluten for at least 3-6 months, the longer the better. Researchers found that patients with autoimmune disease actually improved dramatically when they ate a gluten-free diet. “Organ-specific autoantibodies (i.e., thyroid antibodies) will disappear after 3 to 6 months of a gluten-free diet.” (Digestive Diseases and Sciences, February 2000;45:403-406.) If you notice a difference in your health for the better, stay off gluten and live Life to the Fullest. You can explore this website ( for helpful hints, tips, and support to cooking and eating gluten free. We have an absolutely amazing Gluten/Dairy free class coming up on Tuesday, October 9th at 7-8pm in Lehi, Utah. If you're in the area and would like to attend please RSVP at donteatwheat(at) or (801) 766-6580. I’m Dr. Nielsen remember, Live In Fullness Everyday! ![]() Picture compliments of Written by Dr. Brandon Nielsen and his wife Jalene Dermatitis is simply the medical term for eczema or "skin inflammation." Eczema is the body's way of manifesting on the outside that it is allergic to something on the inside. Eczema can show up just about anywhere on the body and affect a variety of ages, especially children (even as young as a couple of months old!) There are MANY different kinds of dermatitis that stem from different allergens. One known commonly to Celiacs is "Dermatitis Herpetiformis." It appears as a result of gastrointestinal distress caused by eating wheat. Among some of the causes of Dermatitis can be:
Often, eczema is mistreated! Topical creams are prescribed which only address the SYMPTOM rather than the real PROBLEM. It's important to get down to the real issue. What is CAUSING the eczema? For example, when you apply a cream to sooth eczema, it may help the outward appearance of your skin but your body will still continue to be allergic to the cause of the eczema because the real issue has not been dealt with. A food allergy does not go away with a cream. When Audrey was only a couple of months old she developed eczema on her stomach, legs, and arms. This was her body's way of telling us there was distress, or in other words, an allergic reaction to something she was eating. Because she was 100% nursing at the time, it was actually something I WAS EATING! As soon as I stopped eating dairy, her eczema went away! It was as simple as that. Our body communicates with us it's needs and if we can learn to recognize the warning signs, we can heal the issue where the problem originates. So what can you do to discover what is causing eczema? My husband, Dr. Nielsen, suggests the BEST way at home is a food elimination diet. This means starting with an allergen, such as the ones listed above, and COMPLETELY removing those items from your diet for a period of at least 21 days (but ideally up to 90 days). The term COMPLETELY means reading labels, asking for ingredients at restaurants, etc so that not even a trace amount is taken in the body. Then you can slowly reintroduce one item back into your diet at a time. For example, you can eat a serving of cheese for 3 consecutive days, then go back off of it for 3 consecutive days and monitor your symptoms, reactions and overall feelings. NOTE: If you notice distress while reintroducing an item, do not continue to eat it. After you have determined which foods are safe to eat you can begin combining foods. Be aware, some foods when eating alone, do not cause distress to the body but when they are combined, they can cause an allergic reaction. It would be best to consult your doctor. A quicker detection would be to get a Zyto Allergy Scan from a qualified physician. This would give you a great starting point in which foods to avoid without the guess work. To locate a Zyto doctor near you visit: If you are in the South Salt Lake Area in Utah call (801) 766-6580 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Brandon Nielsen. Want to read a great success story of overcoming ezcema? Visit this website: Audrey and I went in for a check up with my husband (Dr. Nielsen) on Wednesday and this week we were focusing on our Food Allergies. I wanted to share my results with you because it is so amazing what the Zyto can do. For those of you not familiar with the Zyto, it is a non-evasive health related machine that uses the body's natural energetic field to communicate (called biocommunication.) It provides insights into your health and wellness. The best part is the results are immediate. You don't have to wait days to find out. You can view more about it on Zyto's Website. Normally, we get scanned on our overall health and what supplements would assist in natural healing the body but Wednesday we did a check-up on our food allergies. It gives us a good guide on which foods to avoid in our diet. If allergies run in your family, this test is extremely helpful and we strongly recommend it for anyone! Appointments in our office for this scan are $70. To help read this report:
Looks like wheat, dairy, fish, mangos and curry are some of the main things I should avoid.
Pretty interesting stuff! The Zyto is extremely helpful when you're dealing with allergies and helps take the guess work out of it. To find a practitioner near you that uses the Zyto machine visit HERE. To schedule an appointment in the Salt Lake City with my husband, Dr. Nielsen, call (801) 800-2908. |
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October 2015