Oh man. Remember how I was talking about GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) food and WHY it is so bad for you??! This next article, posted by Dr. Mercola, will SHOCK you and get you thinking about some very important problems concerning GMO's. The article addresses specifically corn but also talks about soy, cotton, zucchini and more. According to a recent NPR report: "There can be little doubt that genetically engineered crops are the most dangerous aspect of modern agriculture. Not only are we seeing rapid emergence of super-weeds resistant to glyphosate, courtesy of Roundup Ready crops, we now also have evidence of emerging Bt-resistant insects. Add to that the emergence of a brand new organism capable of producing disease and infertility in both plants and animals, and a wide variety of evidence showing harm to human health, and the only reasonable expectation one can glean is that humanity as a whole is being seriously threatened by this foolhardy technology." To read the entire article please click HERE.
When I was little, I used to eat apricots right off the tree from my grandpa's backyard. Now, when I bite into one, my lips noticeably swell and my throat becomes so irritated I actually sound raspy. Often times, patients will come to my husband, Dr. Nielsen, saying they think they are allergic to different kinds of nuts, fruits, or vegetables when in fact, after being tested by my husband, are ACTUALLY allergic to the pesticides and chemicals they are treated with. Studies show that even AFTER power-washing the fruits and vegetables before they come to you, they STILL have remnants of chemicals and pesticides (hence the dirty dozen list.) Also, if a soil is saturated with chemicals and pesticides while a fruit or vegetable is growing, that food will take in those chemicals just as it does water or nutrients from the soil. If you notice a slight reaction with something you are eating, try eating the organic version and see if you still experience the same reaction. For example, non-organic apples give me itchy ear and an irritated throat but organic apples, of the same variety, DO NOT. Other possible allergic reactions may include: sinus problems, puffy or tingling lips, bloated stomach, stomach ache, diarrhea, headaches, and migraines. My husband, Dr. Nielsen, says clinically, 95% of all headaches, especially migraines are caused by a food sensitivity (unless there has been severe brain trauma). Pretty interesting stuff when you start to learn more. If you normally have a SEVERE reaction to a certain food, chances are there is a much bigger issue going on and simply eating an item organic is not going to help. Consult an allergy-testing doctor near you for more information or visit my husband's website at lifediscoverywellness.com NOTE: If you have a smart phone you can download EWG's Dirty Dozen App to your phone for a quick reference guide while shopping. Keyword: Dirty Dozen. I came across this article and it is important enough to re-share:
"May is National Celiac Disease Awareness Month, so it seems appropriate to share some medical facts about this autoimmune disease that just might shock you. These facts come from Dr. Tom O’Bryan who is is a nationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Dr. O’Bryan’s specialty is in teaching the many manifestations of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. What follows are a few excerpts compiled by Dr. O’Bryan from some of the thousands of scientific based research papers on the subject of celiac disease:
Living Gluten-Free is not just beneficial for celiac patients. Read an excert from the NewsMax Health Newspaper:
"People with celiac disease avoid gluten because they are allergic to the protein, which occurs naturally in grains, particularly wheat. They suffer from an overreaction in the immune system that damages the small intestine lining and diminishes its ability to absorb important nutrients. But lately, going gluten-free has gained traction among people who are not part of the 1 percent of the population suffering from celiac disease. That’s because they generally feel better when they do, says Dr. David Brownstein, a board-certified family physician and author of “The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet.” The article goes on to talk about how wheat today has been genetically modified to contain up to 50% more gluten than 20 years ago! No wonder anyone would feel better avoiding it. To read more click HERE So why suddenly this uproar of wheat allergies?
A probable answer to a loaded question: GMO. Genetically Modified Organisms. Unfortunately, the wheat that our great, great ancestors ate is NOT the same wheat we enjoy today. Our wheat has been altered by man. But WHY? One reason is it has been engineered to resist damage from the widely used Roundup Ready (RR) herbicide, making it easier for farmers to control weeds. Since the first Genetically Engineered crops (mainly corn, soybeans, and cotton) became commercially available in the mid-1990s, U.S. farmers have been rapidly adopting them based on the CLAIMS that the Proponents of agricultural biotechnology say it offers the potential to increase crop production, lower farming costs, improve food quality and safety, and enhance environmental quality. Isn't it interesting that since this time of adoption we have seen an alarmingly increased amount of wheat, corn, soy, and peanut allergies? Something tells me that GMO or GE crops are not as heaven sent as we think. Bottom line, stay away from any GMO (Genetically Modified) food. Always look for "non-GMO" on your labels. For an interesting read please visit the following websites: http://www.worc.org/userfiles/Genetically%20Modified%20Wheat.pdf http://www.sierraclub.ca/national/programs/health-environment/food-agriculture/ge-wheat.shtml Watch for more to come on the latest in Gluten Allergies... |
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October 2015